Monday, June 10, 2013

Restoration Corner Ministry of Nashville Celebrates with Students!

 Our Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

It is with great joy that we introduce Restoration Corner Ministry Blog Spot. This is a way that we can keep you informed on what is going on with the ministry on a monthly basis, as well as give you up to the minute happenings as God move us forth to make Him known through the great work of collegiate ministry.

First, we would like to say thank you to all those who have prayed, supported, and now partnered with the vision of this ministry. It is with great humbleness and gratitude we have experienced your love and support. This is not an easy work, but we know that we are called to make a difference in the lives of collegians.

Our first blog is about the reason we do ministry, the student. Students completing their education and going back into their communities as Christian leaders in their work is of high importance to this ministry. We have completed another year 2012-2013 with a few of our students graduating and moving  into their God-given purpose for life. Congratulations to the class of 2013 at TSU and Fisk, Juels Evans and Stephen Sawyer of RCM.

Juels Evans and Kristen Brown recent graduates (Class of 2013)


Because of  our continued commitment to this ministry over 50+ students have graduated and moved on in their careers. We helped them when we had our Bible studies, paid for books, tuition, groceries, monthly leases assistant, seminars, workshops, missions and more. Lives have been impacted to the point that they trust and believe us in every way. See former RCM student leaders below that have graduated and now lifetime members of the ministry.
Students impacted  by our ministry:
Karl McMichel - (TSU), Indiana student called to ministry, graduated and in seminary now.
Ashley Oldman - (TSU), Kentucky student called to ministry, Mathematics major, in seminary now and teaching.
Catherine Jackson - (TSU), California student, Biology, teaching Biology  at TSU, attending graduate school  for medical doctor.
Amanda Askew - (TSU), Illinois student, International Finance/Spanish , called to ministry, Banker.
Vanessa Lewis - (Fisk), Illinois student, Biology, MeHarry medical assistant, called to ministry and work at RH Boyd Publishing
Juels Evans - (TSU), Illinois student, Communications, called to ministry, graduating in May, assistant director to RCM and planning Seminary, Biblical Counseling and Chaplaincy
Dwayne Spearman - (TSU), Memphis student, Sociology, called to ministry, Men ministry coordinator and teacher
Precious Bond - (TSU), Nashville student, called to ministry, graduated and in seminary, graduate school at TSU
Shalinda Miller - (TSU), Memphis student, Political Science/Law, called to ministry,  non-profit coordinator
These and so, so, so many more students that I cannot list because this update will be too long the ministry have impacted, challenged, and equipped to be Christian leaders. All because we continually believed in them. As you can see we have already and still changing and impacting the next generation by meeting them where they are NOW.
There is no doubt in my mind that God is in control and working the impossible right now as we believe. We must together continue to trust God as we reach students for the future.
You also know of an important subject us that is the RCM ministry location. Yes, we are in the location. God has blessed us to be in the property and placed some amazing businessman/investors and partners to assist with this project. One of them just happen to be an alumni of TSU. We will definitely keep you updated on location because will we have an open house soon.
Your comments are welcomed on our blog. We would love to hear from you. Our next blog will introduce our upcoming "Restore"  Ministry Fundraising Campaign 2013-2014 for RCM. Until next time....
Let's continue to make Christ known together.
Please continue to keep us in your prayers.